domingo, 24 de janeiro de 2010

Steady Progress

Work is being done nicely, and beta 3 promisses to be a really good one. See this small preview:

Here is the list of features, and it's status, that will be in the next beta, targeted to the end of this month:

DONE - one/two player mode
a) remove player 2 from move/clear/show functions
b) scroll with only one player
c) select one or two players
d) on PC, P1 can use both joy1 and keyboard
DONE - allow multiple instances of a same NPC (to reuser the same graphics in a different position)
DONE - adjust players initial position
DONE - add players HP bars
DONE - fix collision verification when falling from a jump and moving left/right (still needs more work)
DONE - make NPC shield itself (shiled flag, plus frame zero in animation)
DONE - player hit animation
DONE - add collision verify into player hit animation to not move where it can't
DONE - NPC hit animation
DONE - player hit animation
DONE - make players loose 3 hit points when touching a NPC
DONE - fix jump+shoot and walk+shoot animation
DONE - player teleport animation in stage start
DONE - "ready" text animation on stage start
DONE - align hit animation centered vertically and horizontally to the player or npc
DONE - editor: add fill tool (still needs work for non-continual areas like a square)
NOT - separate hit into NPC check into a separate function and call it even if player is stopped
DONE - make NPC shoot
DONE - NPC shoot must diminish 1 HP from players when hit them
- fix small underscreen bug on top of the screen
- show projectile more near to the hit target (is vanishing too soon)
- NPC killed animation
- create a complete map (without boss)
- add a small text in the stage ending (beta and credits)
- create deb package for Ubuntu/Linux
- map PS2 joystick buttons correctly
- fix timing for PS2
- initialize units for PS2 according to need (use argc to find run path)
- create an official PS2 build

sábado, 16 de janeiro de 2010

Beta 2 released

This is a big day for the Rockbot project as marks the first release that already have a good foundation and a plan for features. Go grab the beta 2 build for Windows in our project page.
Some of the new features added in this beta are:
  • revised and incrementd NES palette to use current black colors
  • added ESC key to leave game in intros too
  • fixed the screen's left side extra one pixel
  • fixed NPC sprite background overlapping PCs
  • changed NPC graphic
  • fixed bug that players are one pixel above ground
  • fixed scrolling to make floor always visible
  • vertical scrolling together with horizontal not working
  • a dead NPC is still blocking the shoots
Linux still do not have a build, but we plan to create deb packages for Ubuntu (always the lastest version, currently 9.10) and a Playstation 2 build starting from the next beta.

sexta-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2010

We have a plan! (besides take over the world)

We are deciding a list of features each beta will need to acomplish.
This is great, because it is cleaner to see and think what needs to be done, in an incremental way, instead of the old and plain TODO list.
Here is what is planned to beta2 (and much more that was implemented before the creation of the plan), due to come out in the next weeks:

  • revise and increment NES pallete to use current black colors (add a strong yellow for Betabot)
  • add ESC key to leave game in intros too
  • fix the screen's left side extra one pixel
  • fix NPC sprite background overlapping PCs
  • change NPC graphic
  • fix bug that players are one pixel above ground
You can check the up to date document here: sourceforge svn for RoadMap

quinta-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2010

Intro Screen

It is still a bit sharpen, but it is great to have at last one decent intro screen :)

quarta-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2010

Development is not dead [O desenvolvimento não morreu]

Things are moving a bit slow in development, result of new year holydays, but little by little it are being resumed. Meanwhile we had the following improvements:

  • started the changes in Rockbot graphics; he now have larger arms and feets with a thinner face. steel remembers Rockman/Megaman, but is not a simple ripoff anymore
  • corrected again the bug that made shots not disapearing in left side
  • created a small stage with simple graphics for testing
  • created a test NPC
  • created structs to contain data about players and NPCs, like hit points and name
  • created graphic of one more boss: Daisybot, a girl who shots flowers

As coisas andam um pouco devagar no desenvolvimento, resultado das festas de ano novo, mas ao pouco vão sendo retomadas. Enquanto isso tivemos as seguintes melhorias:

  • início da alteração no gráfico do Rockbot: ele agora tem os braços e pernas mais grossos e rosto mais fino; ainda lembra o Rockman/Megaman, mas não é mais uma simples cópia.
  • corrigido novamente o problema com os tiros não desaparecendo na esquerda
  • criada uma pequena fase com gráficos simples para testes
  • criado NPC para teste
  • criadas estruturas para conter informações como nome e pontos de vida de jogadores e NPCs
  • criado gráfico para mais um chefe: Daisybot, uma garota que atira flores